Practice Setup Gets a Little Better
Posted on Tue 11 March 2025 in Facilities
Coach Meske posted a story on Instagram that showed a bit of an improvement to the Cards practice setup.
The image, included below, shows L&N Federal Credit Union Arena set up in its practice arrangement. In the practice arrangement, UofL volleyball sets up two courts in LNFCU. They do this by retracting the bulk of the seating, and in the extra space provided set up two courts arranged perpendicularly to their “Gameday” orientation.
In the image, the nearer court is the black bordered Teraflex court that “lives” at LNFCU arena, but the far court has the red bordered Teraflex court that typically “lives” at the KFC Yum! Center.
Obviously, these court surfaces are able to be taken up and put down in different places and in different orientations, and while it’s not a huge amount of effort to do so, it’s not trivial either. Add in the transport of the court between campus and the KFC Yum! Center downtown, and Dan quite justifiably gave a shoutout to the people that manage the two facilities, specifically the main guy in charge of these two facilities, long time UofL Athletics employee Brent Lampkin.
Will the red bordered Teraflex be used during the spring schedule? It possibly could be transported over to Freedom Hall for the Tennessee match, and it might get transported to Elizabethtown for the match against Vanderbilt at Etown High School. I suspect it will be at neither, however. I would expect the Vanderbilt match to use whatever surface Etown High School has available, probably hardwood, and the Freedom Hall event is part of the JVA World Challenge club tournament event, and JVA will likely have their own surfaces put down on which Louisville and Tennessee will play. The spring match against Kentucky is at LNFCU and would presumably use the black bordered Teraflex that is normally used at LNFCU.